Friday, November 15, 2019

A Visit to Felicity's Williamsburg Part 2: Friends and Fashion

A Visit to Felicity's Williamsburg

Good day! I am writing to you from the 1770s in Williamsburg, Virginia. I am meeting with my very bestest friend Isabelle to visit Felicity and her hometown.

Isabelle and Susanna Best Friends Forever in any time!
Isabelle brought along another, new friend, Mary Jane, to time travel with us. Mary Jane looks just like my guardian when she was 10! People say I look like my guardian but Mary Jane (#13) is a closer match. 

It was pouring rain so our first stop was to go indoors and learn about what to wear in the 1750s.

First: Everyone in Williamsburg bought clothes from England. What you wore depended on what you could afford. If you could afford silk then you had a silk dress. If you couldn't, you wore wool or linen or a combination of both. People in Williamsburg were rich and had fancy clothes. All clothes were dyed with plant dyes and sewn by hand. No chemical dyes or sewing machines yet.

Georgian fashions from England: a lady's gown and man's red coat, buff waistcoat, breeches and tricorn hat

Second: Portraits are not always accurate representations of what people wore or what they looked like.

There are many weird things about this painting.

Third: Getting dressed was a lot of work. I was dressed almost right in my shift, stays and frock with stockings and shoes. I left my pocket and garters at home and my frock sash went missing before I even left home. Ladies embroidered their family members' initials on their shifts so no one wore someone else's underwear! EW!

A shift with embroidered initials

A pocket (left) and stays (right). Stays give you good posture.
This dress is made from wool.
The colors reminded me of my [Elizabeth's] fashion doll Charlotte.

Fourth: We went shopping!

Isabelle and Susanna shop for new clothing at the Milliner's shop

A visit to the Milliner and Mantua maker could get you everything you needed to dress fashionably.

Williamsburg Milliner's Shop

Milliners' shops are owned by women. A milliner offers the latest in haberdashery, jewelry, hosiery, shoes "and other items too tedious to mention."
Milliner and Mantua Maker's Shop
"In a word, they furnish everything to the Ladies that can contribute to set off their Beauty, increase their Vanity, or render them ridiculous."

The mantua maker is skilled in cutting, fitting, and sewing cloaks, mantles, hats, hoods, caps, gloves, petticoats, hoops, riding costumes, and dresses for masquerades – all in the latest fashion.

The Milliner and Mantua Maker

 New fashions came from England. Before there were fashion magazines, there were pandoras or fashion babies like the one behind me. Her pretty yellow dress reminds me of my own ball gown!

What a pretty dress on the fashion doll behind me.
Fashion doll in gold gown and fancy hats

Examining the latest fashions at the Milliner and Mantua Maker's Shop.
Behind me, the little white gown, is a child's frock for Nan, William and maybe Felicity.

There will be more fashion photos later with a link at the end. Next Isabelle and I will show you how to make clothes!

1 comment:

  1. It was so wet that day! I am glad it stopped raining in the evening, so that we could get a few more photos.

